I have been slacking on blogging... but with all the activity on the blogs I follow plus having some new blogs to follow, I have been inspired to try to get back with it!!!
First of all I have joined a MOPS group at church. "Mothers of PreSchoolers"
Ive been attending this group for close to 2 months now and am really enjoying it. It is so great for so many reasons. For one, it gives me somewhere to go rather than always being at home :). Other than that though, it has been great to meet some women who are in similar seasons in their life and that love the Lord. The ladies in this group have been so friendly and welcoming, which is good, especially since I can be a little shy when first meeting new people. Addie usually goes to the nursery during the MOPS meeting (It is 2 hours twice a month). The ladies that work there are so sweet and are good with Addie, plus she gets to socialize with the other babies :)!!!
The speaker at MOPs today was the author of "Power of Parenting, Easy as A,B,C". I left feeling really blessed by what she had to say, and excited to read her book!
She talked a lot about the power of your words and speaking faith into you and your families life. At one point she even talked about Sleep!!! I don't know why, but I have a lot of issues falling asleep at night. I had trouble before I had Addie, and it has come back again. (I had no trouble falling asleep when I was pregnant :) ). I lay awake at night for hours trying to fall asleep and one night I was even awake until 7 AM. Anyway.... the speaker, Barabara, talked about how important sleep is for everyone epsecially Mothers, and how everyone has probably at one point had trouble with sleep due to stress or any other factor!! She talked about speaking scripture over your sleep, inparticular Psalm 127: 2 -
2It is in vain that you rise up early
and go late to rest,
eating the bread of anxious
for he gives to his
God WANTS to bless me with sleep and a restful night!!! I couldn't believe how she was speaking straight to me!!! anyway I'm rambling!!!
Addie turned 4 months on Tuesday!!! I can't believe it! Her doctor said she is doing great, she can start trying solids and has doubled her birth weight!! (and I think of Rachel on Friends when I say that, but it really is all true).
She is now 11 lbs 11 ozs. and 24" long. Her weight is 6th percentile and height is 26th percentile, so she is catching up a little bit!!
Right now we are working on sitting. She is getting better!!! She holds herself up a few seconds now before she starts to tilt over. She refuses however to ever put any weight on her legs. I asked her Dr. about it. She said her hips and legs seem fine, and she does have the ability to hold her weight, just not the desire. she might just be a little stubborn and will do it only when she is ready. For now we will just keep working on sitting and revisit her legs at her 6 month check up.
oh, and she also does NOT like Tummy Time.... At our house Tummy Time is more accurately called Torture time.... since that is what it would sound like to any passer by who may hear her screams. :(
Lately I have been starting to really enjoy baking. I always have enjoyed it, but never had a lot of time on my hands. I have so many recipes I want to try. As with any new hobby though there are a lot of supplies I also need/ want to buy!! For now Im trying to stick to the recipes that I already have all the tools to make!! Some of the things I have made have turned out SOO great, others have not. I have made cream cheese pumpkin rolls before (from scratch), and thought I would like to try to make a red velvet roll. I made the cream cheese from scratch but thought I would just use a box mix for the red velvet cake... maybe thats where I went wrong?? I rolled the cake to cool, and when it was no longer warm I unrolled it covered it in cream cheese and when I tried to re-roll it things went disasterously wrong. It didnt look very pretty, but still tasted good.
There is more catching up to do, but maybe if I save some of it for later I wont wait as long to blog again.