Wednesday, March 23, 2011

First Photos

I'm trying to find a cute little ruffle bottom, and some sort of head wear for Addison's newborn photos!! I can't decide with I want a soft pink, or a bright and bold pink!! Here are two options I have found so far..
Which one is more Addison??

Fuschia Ruffles
White Bow


Light Pink Ruffles
Pink Daisy

33 Weeks

I only have 7 more weeks until my due date!!! I can't believe it is so soon, but it sorta still seems kinda far away.

Last weekend we had her baby shower. I have such wonderful friends to throw such a sweet shower for little Addison. It was so cute, and turned out really great!! I was glad to get to see some people that I haven't seen in a while, and some I just don't get to see that often!! Baby girl is going to be born into a world surrounded by tons of family and friends that love her so much!! Plus on top of it all, we got a lot of gifts we needed and wanted!! I can't wait until we move so I can start putting it all together and setting up her room!!

I just set up an appointment today for Adam and I to take a tour of the hospital, and afterwards to take an infant CPR class. We go Saturday April 16th. It will be a good way to get familiar with the hospital before I go into labor, and learning some emergency procedures in CPR class just seems to make good sense!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Moving Mayhem - Update

I went to the complex yesterday to view the other unit.

Looks the same as the old one.. only difference is the carpet... I don't mind the regular carpet, and therefore can't justify more money per month because we have the "better" kind.

I was told they would have to email corporate to approve the rate on this new unit, he just called me back today to tell me that it was approved!!! Good News!!

now I have one less thing to feel stressed or worry about...

32 Week Check Up

Yesterday I had a check up and ultrasound!! Here is a little update on her progress.

They measured Addison, and she is weighing 3lbs 10oz.!! :)

The doctor said she is in the 27th percentile, which means  27% of babies at 32 weeks gestation are the same size as or smaller than her... Soooo she is not real big.

My next appointment is in 2 weeks, and since I'm getting close to my due date they went ahead and schedule all of my appointments from now til then.

I have one in two weeks, and then again two weeks after that, and then I switch to weekly appointments until she is born!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Moving Mayhem

With Addison on the way our little one bedroom apartment is just no longer going to cut it!

Adam and I shopped around for apartments for quite a while, and a month or so ago we finally found one that met all that we were looking for. It was in the area we like, it was in the price range we set, it was big enough, and pretty enough and available!! We paid the deposits, and fees, and went through the application process and we were in!! They assigned us a unit, and we were moving in on April 28th... all was good.

Today, the apartments called us to tell us that the unit we were set to move into is no longer available, the current tennant changed their mind and is no longer moving out. WHAT? He said there is another unit available in the same floor plan that they can offer us, and I am supposed to go in and look at it today to approve it basically. However, they vary their prices from day to day and unit to unit regardless of floor plan. I was informed he would try to see what he could do to keep us at the negotiated price we had already set, but wouldnt know for sure until I approved the new unit. Apparently the new unit I will be looking at has "upgraded" flooring that our previous unit did not.

I honestly don't care much about moving units, but I will be one upset pregnant lady if I go in there tonight and they try to change our lease agreement, or rent!!!!

Not sure what I would do though, we will see how it goes!!

to be continued...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Just a Little Update

This Wednesday I will be 32 weeks, only 8 weeks left until her due date!!! I cant believe it.

This weekend we got our crib in, and we put it together!! (well Adam did) It is so cute, I cant wait to put her bedding in it and really start to prepare her nursery!! For now though, the crib is sitting completely assembled in the middle of our living room until we move. There is one small chip in the wood on the crib though, I should have taken a picture to post on here. It is not a giant chip, and it's far from being near the baby, or possibly harmful in any way I can think of, but it is there. I can't decide if it is worth the effort of trying to get a new piece sent out. I imagine it will not be as easy as one simple phone call and the replacement piece is on its way...

We can officially start moving in to our new place on April 28th, and we have to be completely out of our current apartment by the 30th!! As of this weekend I have packed one box!! There is a lot left to do.

This Wednesday I also have my 32 week check up, and an ultrasound at the doctors office, which just so happens to be another 4D ultrasound!! I'm so excited and I cant wait to see her little face again. We were able to get a few good shots of her face at the last ultrasound, but she did still have her feet and legs blocking our view most of the time. I'm hoping this time maybe we will see that she has finally put those legs down and moved into position (last time she was laying transverse).

Sunday is my baby shower, I cant wait!!! I have 3 very sweet friends throwing it for me, and I know its just going to be so cute!! Plus two of them are out of state so it is going to be great just to get to visit with them!! Megan is already in town and I did get a chance to visit with her this past weekend!!

I'll hopefully be posting some new pics of Addison this week after my ultrasound!! :)


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

30 Weeks

Today I am officially 30 weeks!! 10 more weeks to go!!

I had a check up this morning, and doctor says everything looks great. I have now graduated to every 2 week appointments.

After my doctor appointment I had my 4d ultrasound redo appointment. We didnt get many pictures last time, so today we tried again. At first Addison was still in the same position as last time, legs straight up in front of her, blocking her face. It took a long time, and a lot of mashing on my belly to get her to move those little legs and give us a peak at her face. We were able to get a little bit of recognizeable video, and I recorded just a few snipits of the video to share with everyone. ENJOY!!

Our little princess

Her Hiney!!

Addies first yawn, and second...

Cute, huh?

and a few pictures...