Monday, March 14, 2011

Just a Little Update

This Wednesday I will be 32 weeks, only 8 weeks left until her due date!!! I cant believe it.

This weekend we got our crib in, and we put it together!! (well Adam did) It is so cute, I cant wait to put her bedding in it and really start to prepare her nursery!! For now though, the crib is sitting completely assembled in the middle of our living room until we move. There is one small chip in the wood on the crib though, I should have taken a picture to post on here. It is not a giant chip, and it's far from being near the baby, or possibly harmful in any way I can think of, but it is there. I can't decide if it is worth the effort of trying to get a new piece sent out. I imagine it will not be as easy as one simple phone call and the replacement piece is on its way...

We can officially start moving in to our new place on April 28th, and we have to be completely out of our current apartment by the 30th!! As of this weekend I have packed one box!! There is a lot left to do.

This Wednesday I also have my 32 week check up, and an ultrasound at the doctors office, which just so happens to be another 4D ultrasound!! I'm so excited and I cant wait to see her little face again. We were able to get a few good shots of her face at the last ultrasound, but she did still have her feet and legs blocking our view most of the time. I'm hoping this time maybe we will see that she has finally put those legs down and moved into position (last time she was laying transverse).

Sunday is my baby shower, I cant wait!!! I have 3 very sweet friends throwing it for me, and I know its just going to be so cute!! Plus two of them are out of state so it is going to be great just to get to visit with them!! Megan is already in town and I did get a chance to visit with her this past weekend!!

I'll hopefully be posting some new pics of Addison this week after my ultrasound!! :)


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