Wednesday, April 20, 2011

37 Weeks

That is right, baby Addison is now considered Full Term!!! :)

Last Weekend Adam and I attended a pediatric safety and cpr class.
It was a 2 hour class and we did learn a lot of good things, and some helpful tips. It went over everything from carseat safety, to cabinets and choking.

I was nervous about the cpr class. I remember learning it several years ago, and there was just soooo much to remember. I guess they have changed the way it is done since then, and now it is the same set of compressions and breathe for all ages cpr. Easy to remember, and i'm really glad we learned it! 

This afternoon I have my next check up!! Hoping to hear maybe I have progressed a little!!

Since Monday, I have been having some tightness that comes and goes in my tummy. It is hard for me to tell if it is braxton hicks, or if it is just little miss stretching and pushing herself out.

Funny thing:  I googled that I couldn't tell if it was braxton hicks, or baby... and apparently, I am not alone!
The search brought up tons of forums of pregnnat mommies who wondered the same thing.

I am inclined to think, however; that it is indeed some contractions. :)

My belly gets so tight that I am not able to bend over to even reach mid calves, when Addison would stetch out I was still always able to bend.
They are also happening much more frequently than is typical for her, especially at night.
Finally, when it was her, I could always push on the tight area and she would usually move away or push back, but now when I push, my belly just stays tight all over...

Here is a little recap of our countdowns to everything
From today we have:

8 days until we start moving
13 days until my last final for the semester
21 days until my due date


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